Building bridges between Christian donors and ministries





Frequently, people involved in ministries speak a different language than some high-capacity donors.

Ministries are often led by big-hearted, “right-brained” people—those who are creative, intuitive, and process primarily via feeling. They might speak passionately about their vision using stories, pictures, and crisis appeals, and may focus mainly on an opportunity while stressing their ministry’s strengths.

But some donors speak the “left-brain” language—they are logical, strategic, and process primarily via thought. They prefer numbers and facts and want to see credible, sequential plans, and measurable results. They desire specific information about the ministry—the inevitable weaknesses and anticipated problems—not just the organization’s strengths and successes. This breeds the confidence necessary for them to make a substantial gift.

These differences between right and left-brain methods of thinking, speaking, and sharing information leads to an enormous, unnecessary gulf between ministries and some donors.

“Without your leadership… I would never have gained the confidence to provide $4,000,000…”

– An Anonymous Donor

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THE PROBLEM August 13, 2018